Let me tell you What Happened to The Lovin' Spoonful and why
Hotter Than A Match Head life on the run with
The Lovin' Spoonful
To get an autographed copy, send check or money order for $25 made out to John Boone, along with your shipping information to STEVE BOONE, PO Box 530031, Henderson, NV 89053. Allow 2 weeks for delivery.

Access is what people want when they buy a book, especially a book about someone's life whose path has crossed their's at one time or another. One of the true joys of being a member of the Lovin' Spoonful is having people tell me how our music intersected with their life. They tell me how the songs affected their life at a certain time and now I get to tell them how their participation affected mine.
Hotter Than A Match Head: Life on the Run with The Lovin' Spoonful Steve Boone with Tony Moss
This is my personal web site and while a major portion of my life has been my involvement in the Lovin' Spoonful, I have gone on many adventures, before, during and ....well so far there is no after the band's life yet. Finally I have, with the help and co-operation of one terrific person Tony Moss completed a book that encompasses much of what I have seen since my arrival at Jacksonville Naval Hospital, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina on September 23, 1943. So if you dare come on in and look around. It is just getting started so expect changes.

IN 1970 I bought a 56' sailboat and headed out for who knows where. After nearly 4 incredible years sailing the eastern Caribbean I returned to the States and resumed my life in the music business. I took over operation of a fabulous recording studio in Hunt Valley, MD and eventually moved it to a customized houseboat in Baltimore's historic Inner Harbor. I began playing in a band again and as I adjusted to a life once more on shore a voice kept whispering in my ear "you need to write a book about all of this". And so began the collection of notes and pictures and conversations with friends and associates that up to that point in time, 1977, comprised a full life by any standard. The Lovin' Spoonful had effectively ceased to exist as a touring band and I thought I had found a comfortable niche wherein I could stay in music and make a living in Baltimore. Then came Christmas 1977 and everything changed. It was like I had started a new life very different from my old one but in many ways the same. What happens after Christmas 1977 until I make contact with my co-writer Tony Moss in 2009 could make an exciting book on its own. Essentially there are two life stories in one book. Writing it proved to be the very catharsis that I needed and I am very proud of it. It will be released on August 1, 2014 on ECW Press and I think you're gonna like it.
Available now at book stores everywhere and on line see buttons below. I also will soon be offering personally autographed copies of my book. Check back for details or email me at:
Available now at book stores everywhere and on line see buttons below. I also will soon be offering personally autographed copies of my book. Check back for details or email me at:
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